2016 - 2020:
Bachelor of Science, Chemistry
University of Science, Vietnam National University HCMC
2023 - now:
Looking for Ph.D admission :)
Microsoft Office
Research Interests
Intermediate-mass black holes in nuclear star clusters
Simulating the ELT observation, using high-resolution imaging and spectroscopy and the proximity of our low-mass early-type galaxy sample, I examine in detail their NSCs morphology, composition, kinematics, and dynamical masses to shed a light on their formation origins either gas in situ or stellar migration.
The formation and co-evolution of central massive black holes and their host galaxies
Studying galaxy and massive black hole’s evolution by MBH - σ correlation. Scaling relations between central black hole mass and host galaxy properties, e.g., the bulge mass component and bulge velocity dispersion of stars, hint to a joint evolution of black holes and galaxies. Estimating the dynamical mass of black holes and their host galaxies at different redshifts is fundamental to establish their growth scenarios over the cosmic time.
Ultra-massive black holes at the highest galactic-mass ladder
There are evidences of most massive galaxies show that the central black hole mass positive outliers from the Mbh-sigma or Mbh-Lk relation. It argues that they assemble their matter, changing from a sequence of bulge growth to dry-merger growth. The expectation that BH will increase their mass through coalescence with other similar size black holes. Obviously, the most massive galaxies is the key for our understanding about galaxy evolution and in particular how ultramassive black holes can form
Nguyen, Dieu D., Michele Cappellari, and Miguel Pereira-Santaella. Simulating supermassive black hole mass measurements for a sample of ultra massive galaxies using ELT/HARMONI high spatial resolution integral-field stellar kinematics. (2023).
Tue Nguyen‑Van, Hai Ngo‑Ngoc, Yuya Hirano, Yoichi Itoh, Thuy Le‑Quang, An Nguyen‑Khanh, Felix Wood, John Hoang, D. N. Hoang, Thierry Montmerle, Quang Nguyen‑Luong. First detection of exoplanet transit in Vietnam. Stars and Galaxies. 6, 7. (2023)
Dieu D. Nguyen, Michele Cappellari, Hai N. Ngo,Tinh Q. T. Le, Phong T. On, Tuan N. Le, Huy G. Tong and Miguel Pereira‑Santaella. Simulating intermediate black hole mass measurements for a sample of galaxies with nuclear star clusters using ELT/HARMONI high spatial resolution integral-field stellar kinematics. (Submitted to MNRAS).
Hai N. Ngo, Dieu D. Nguyen, Michele Cappellari and Miguel Pereira-Santaella. ELT high spatial resolution IFS survey for ultramassive galaxies: observational strategy and first simulated results on stellar kinematic and SMBH mass measurements Windows on the Universe (Proceeding).
Dieu D. Nguyen, Tinh Q. T. Le, Michele Cappellari, Hai N. Ngo, Niranjan Thatte, and Miguel Pereira-Santaella. Probing the variation of the inner-surface-brightness profile of nuclear star clusters on the intermediate-mass black hole mass measurements using mock observations of ELT/MICADO and HARMONI. (In prep).
Dieu D. Nguyen, Michele Cappellari, Tinh Q. T. Le, Hai N. Ngo, Que T. Le, Anh V. Q. Phan, An K. Nguyen, Niranjan Thatte, Miguel Pereira-Santaella. Simulations of supermassive black hole mass measurements in redshift ∼ 1 − 2 galaxies using high-resolution ELT/MICADO images and HARMONI integral-field stellar kinematics. (In prep.)
Hai N. Ngo, Benjamin D. Boizelle, Dieu D. Nguyen. Revisiting the black hole mass of NGC 7502 using high-spatial-resolution molecular gas observed with ALMA and various gas dynamical techniques. (In prep).
Hai N. Ngo, Dieu D. Nguyen, Michele Cappellari, Truong N. Nguyen, Trung H. Dang, Tinh Q. T. Le, An K. Nguyen, Khue N. H. Ho, Huy G. Tong, Tien H. T. Ho, Niranjan Thatte, and Miguel Pereira-Santaella. Simulating intermediate-mass black hole mass measurements using ELT/HARMONI high spatial resolution integral-field stellar kinematic extended to the Fornax cluster in FCC 119. (In prep)
Shelley-Anne Harrisberg, Sabine Thater, Dieu D. Nguyen, Alvaro Hacar, Hai N. Ngo. A high precision mass measurement of the central black hole in the massive elliptical NGC 2513 with ALMA molecular gas dynamics. (In prep).